I'm a Programmer

not by trade but by nature



My name is Harri Knox. I am a software engineer. Previously I was a student at Cal Poly majoring in Computer Engineering (CPE). I went to school to go into computer architecture design, but no one is hiring for that; so I'm working in low-level software instead.
This website has become a blog of sorts. In it, I will write about various programming languages and paradigms, cool math and science topics, and anything else that piques my interest. More or less, this is my forum on which I voice my opinions. Fear not, I will most likely not write about politics, religion, or anything else you don't want Uncle Benny bringing up during Thanksgiving dinner.
Recently I have been putting my projects online. Some of my projects and school assignments are viewable from the links in the navigation box above. This site is still under construction. New material is constantly being added. Unfortunately, because of school and other life stuff, I am unable to update this site as often as I would like. I will, however, continue writing and pushing changes.